Input : arr[] = { 4, 1, 2, 3, 5 }, Q = 3 Queries q1 = { 1, 2 } q2 = { 2, 4 } q3 = { 1, 4 } Output : 0 2 0 Explanation : As the given problem states that we need to find XOR of all the subarrays present in the given range so as for query 2 the subarrays are : {1}, {2}, {3}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, (1, 2, 3} So as you can see the number of occurrences of elements are : 1 is present 3 times 2 is present 4 times 3 is present 3 times Now as we know the property of XOR is that the numbers that are present an even number of times get canceled out so out 2 got canceled out and just the XOR of 3 and 1 remained and that was our answer.
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; void ansQueries(int prefeven[], int prefodd[], int l, int r){ if ((r - l + 1) % 2 == 0) //如果范围中存在的元素数是偶数 cout << "0"; else{ if (l % 2 == 0) //如果我是偶数 cout << (prefeven[r] ^ prefeven[l - 1]) << "\n"; else //如果l是奇数 cout << (prefodd[r] ^ prefodd[l - 1]) << "\n"; } } int main(){ int arr[] = {4, 1, 2, 3, 5}; int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(int); //我们数组的大小 int l[] = {1, 2, 1}; //给定查询的左索引 int r[] = {2, 4, 4}; //给定查询的正确索引 int q = sizeof(l) / sizeof(int); //询问的次数 int prefodd[n] = {0}, prefeven[n] = {0}; //偶数和奇数索引的不同前缀异或 for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){ if ((i) % 2 == 0){ //如果我是偶那么我们改变prefeven prefeven[i] = arr[i - 1] ^ prefeven[i - 1]; prefodd[i] = prefodd[i - 1]; }else{ prefeven[i] = prefeven[i - 1]; prefodd[i] = prefodd[i - 1] ^ arr[i - 1]; } } for (int i = 0; i < q; i++){ ansQueries(prefeven, prefodd, l[i], r[i]); } return 0; }输出结果
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