pqp : f(pqp) = 1 pqpqp : f(pqpqp) = 2 qpq : f(qpq) = 1 pqp : f(pqp) = 1 The sum of these values are 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 5.
def palindrome_calculator(input_dict): ans = 0 for item1, item2 in input_dict.items(): ans += item2 * (item2 - 1) //2 return ans def str_check(string): t_str = string[0] for s in string: if s != t_str: return False return True def string_res(string): ans = 0 for i in range(2, len(string) + 1): ans += i * (i - 1) //2 ans %= 1000000007 return ans def solve(string): if str_check(string): return string_res(string) ans = 0 odd_list = [[], {}, 1] for s in string: if s not in odd_list[1]: odd_list[1][s] = 0 odd_list[1][s] += 1 for i in range(len(string)): odd_list[0].append(i) ans += palindrome_calculator(odd_list[1]) even_list = [[], {}, 1] for i in range(len(string) - 1): if string[i] == string[i + 1]: even_list[0].append(i) tmp = string[i:i + 2] if tmp not in even_list[1]: even_list[1][tmp] = 0 even_list[1][tmp] += 1 ans += palindrome_calculator(even_list[1]) for val in range(3, len(string)): if val % 2 == 0: wt = even_list else: wt = odd_list new_t = [[], {}, val] for index in wt[0]: if index - 1 >= 0 and index + val - 2 < len(string) and string[index - 1] == string[index + val - 2]: new_t[0].append(index - 1) tmp = string[index - 1 : index - 1 + val] if tmp not in new_t[1]: new_t[1][tmp] = 0 new_t[1][tmp] += 1 ans += palindrome_calculator(new_t[1]) ans %= 1000000007 if val % 2 == 0: even_list = new_t else: odd_list = new_t return ans print(solve('pqpqp'))