C ++程序使用Great Circle Distance公式在附近找到出租车
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define pi 3.14159265358979323 #define earth_radius 6371.0 //定义用户的坐标 #define latitude1d 12.9611159 #define longitude1d 77.6362214 ifstream users ("input.access_file"); ofstream out ("output.access_file"); //将度转换为弧度 double to_radian(double degree) { return ( degree * (pi/180)); } //计算距离 double cal_distance(double latitude2d, double longitude2d) { double lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, diff_lon, great_circle; lat1 = to_radian(latitude1d); lon1 = to_radian(longitude1d); lat2 = to_radian(latitude2d); lon2 = to_radian(longitude2d); diff_lon = lon2 - lon1; great_circle = acos( sin(lat1) * sin(lat2) + cos(lat1) *cos(lat2) * cos(diff_lon) ); return (earth_radius * great_circle); } //创建访问JSON文件的结构 struct access_file { long long int user_length, i, j, x, y, m, n, f, friends,id[100000]; char latitude_string[1000], longitude_string[1000], id_string[1000], name[1000]; double latitude2d, longitude2d; string line; //检查距离的值 void check_distance() { if (cal_distance(latitude2d, longitude2d) <=50.0000) { id[i] = atoll(id_string); i++; out << "{\"User_id\": " << id[i - 1] << ", \"Name\": " << name << "}" << endl; } } void file_parser() { if (users.is_open()) { while (getline(users, line)) { f = 0; x = 0; y = 0; friends = 0; m = 0, n = 0; user_length = line.size(); for (j = 0; j < user_length; j++) { if (line[j] == '"') f++; else if (line[j] == ':') friends++; if (f == 3) { j++; while (line[j] != '"') { latitude_string[x] = line[j]; x++; j++; } j--; latitude_string[x] = '\0'; } else if (f == 13) { j++; while (line[j] != '"') { longitude_string[y] = line[j]; y++; j++; } j--; longitude_string[y] = '\0'; } if (friends == 2) { j += 2; while (line[j] != ',') { id_string[m] = line[j]; m++; j++; } j--; id_string[m] = '\0'; friends++; } else if (friends == 4) { j += 2; while (line[j] != ',') { name[n] = line[j]; n++; j++; } j--; name[n] = '\0'; friends++; f += 2; } } //将字符串转换为float- latitude2d = atof(latitude_string); longitude2d = atof(longitude_string); check_distance(); } } //关闭输入文件 users.close(); //关闭输出文件 out.close(); } }; int main() { access_file object; object.file_parser(); return 0; }
(A file named output.json will be created at the same place where the code and the input.json file is stored.)