/** * Brief summary of method, ending with a period. * * Further description of method and what it does, including as much detail as is * appropriate. Inline tags such as * {@code code here}, {@link some.other.Docs}, and {@literal text here} can be used. * * If a method overrides a superclass method, {@inheritDoc} can be used to copy the * documentation * from the superclass method * * @param stream Describe this parameter. Include as much detail as is appropriate * Parameter docs are commonly aligned as here, but this is optional. * As with other docs, the documentation before the first period is * used as a summary. * * @return Describe the return values. Include as much detail as is appropriate * Return type docs are commonly aligned as here, but this is optional. * As with other docs, the documentation before the first period is used as a * summary. * * @throws IOException Describe when and why this exception can be thrown. * Exception docs are commonly aligned as here, but this is * optional. * As with other docs, the documentation before the first period * is used as a summary. * Instead of @throws, @exception can also be used. * * @since 2.1.0 * @see some.other.class.Documentation * @deprecated Describe why this method is outdated. A replacement can also be specified. */ public String[] read(InputStream stream) throws IOException { return null; }