function out_sig = myfft(in_sig) out_sig = fftshift(fft(ifftshift(in_sig))); end
%% myfft % This function uses the "proper" fft in matlab. Note that the fft needs to % be multiplied by dt to have physical significance. % For a full description of why the FFT should be taken like this, refer % to: Why_use_fftshift(fft(fftshift(x)))__in_Matlab.pdf included in the % help folder of this code. Additional information can be found: % <> % %% Inputs % *in_sig* - 1D signal % %% Outputs % *out_sig* - corrected FFT of *in_sig* % %% Examples % Generate a signal with an analytical solution. The analytical solution is % then compared to the fft then to myfft. This example is a modified % version given by Wu, Kan given in the link aboce. %% % Set parameters fs = 500; %sampling frequency dt = 1/fs; %time step T=1; %total time window t = -T/2:dt:T/2-dt; %time grids df = 1/T; %freq step Fmax = 1/2/dt; %freq window f=-Fmax:df:Fmax-df; %freq grids, not used in our examples, could be used by plot(f, X) %% % Generate Gaussian curve Bx = 10; A = sqrt(log(2))/(2*pi*Bx); %Characteristics of Gaussian curve x = exp(-t.^2/2/A^2); %Create Gaussian Curve %% % Generate Analytical solution Xan = A*sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-2*pi^2*f.^2*A^2); %X(f), real part of the analytical Fourier transform of x(t) %% % Take FFT and corrected FFT then compare Xfft = dt *fftshift(fft(x)); %FFT Xfinal = dt * myfft(x); %Corrected FFT hold on plot(f,Xan); plot(f,real(Xfft)); plot(f,real(Xfinal),'ro'); title('Comparison of Corrected and Uncorrected FFT'); legend('Analytical Solution','Uncorrected FFT','Corrected FFT'); xlabel('Frequency'); ylabel('Amplitude'); DT = max(f) - min(f); xlim([-DT/4,DT/4]);