Windows 10 开始菜单恢复工具 Start Menu X v7.1
Start Menu X Pro是由OrdinarySoft出品的一款开始菜单软件。Start Menu X Pro具有以下功能:虚拟组,按用途(办公应用、图片处理等)将程序分组,而不更改它们在硬盘上的位置;一键启动,为任意文件夹分配一个主程序,只需点击此文件夹即可启动它;灵活配置,按您的兴趣定制菜单,更改其结构,及添加选项卡等等。支持Windows 7、 8、Vista、XP (x32/x64)系统,有简体中文版。
Start Menu X为Windows 8带来开始菜单,同时也是全新的增强型启动菜单。
启动菜单 8 将提供一个便捷的启动程序和关闭计算机的方法。
启动菜单 8 与众不同!
启动菜单 8 是款革命性的 UI 产品!
已有超过 1200 万专业人士选用它。 快快安装,了解个中理由!
添加选项卡! 从同一个开始点访问任何设置、文件夹或计算机上的磁盘。
启动菜单 8 可帮助您从此菜单轻松关闭您的PC,或启动一个延时器。
此菜单包含一个 Windows 8 启动按钮,有大量酷皮肤。
Fully rewrote the system integration. We rewrote system integration from scratch in the new version. The program is much more stable and secure
Added the ability to replace the Start menu’s button image in various ways
Added a new unique skin and a set of new skins
Added the ability to override the system color for Aero-supported skins
Corrected an error that prevented the program from working properly when Pinnacle Studio is installed
System search is disabled by default
In the previous version, we replaced the search, but it still works with errors. So we returned the old search and you can enable the new one in the settings.
In the new version, we ignore Windows options regarding the color of the menu
By default, Windows uses black for the menu. We’re tired of explaining how to disable this option. Therefore, in the new version, we will not take it into account this option and the menu color will match the color of Aero that you select in windows settings.
Bug fixes with Space X Theme
With certain system settings, the ship remained present.
Removed old shortcuts with a link to the mail and the Internet.
Some antiviruses perceived these shortcuts as viruses. Although these were files the size of a few bytes. They are currently unused and can be removed.
Hide/Show applications inside the programs list
Convert a “Folders groups” into a “Virtual Groups”
Now you can manage the main menu with the help of context menu.
Fixed the bug with context menu
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